Sekcja Bibliotek Muzycznych SBP
Polska Grupa Narodowa IAML

al. Niepodległości 213, 02-086 Warszawa, e-mail:
Słowa współczucia i solidarności od naszych Kolegów Bibliotekarzy Muzycznych z zagranicy w związku z tragedią w Smoleńsku.
The words of the sympathy from our Colleagues music librarians.

Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

After a week of the national mourning, when we ware confronted by the loss of the President of Poland, the First Lady and the most distinguished Poles tragically died in the plane crash near Smolensk I want to thank everyone for many e-mails which reached us individually as well as to the IAML-L list.

We received numerous condolences and assurances about the memory in these painful days.

You had been with us in thoughts and prayers for victims of the tragedy. Your such great response was very important to us. We felt that we were one IAML family.

I thank you on behalf of all Colleagues from Poland.

Stanisław Hrabia
President of the Polish National Branch of IAML

Temat: Condolences to our Polish Colleagues  
Od: Judy Tsou, President, IAML-US  
Do: IAML-L  
On behalf of the US Branch, I send our deepest sympathy to our Polish colleagues on their air disaster and loss of their political leaders. Our thoughts are with you.

Judy Tsou
President, IAML-US

Temat: Condolences  
Od: Roger Flury, Secretary General of IAML  
Do: Stanisław Hrabia  
Dear Stanisław,
Returning home from a weekend holiday, I was shocked to hear the
terrible news from Smolensk. I have been watching news item on the
internet to catch up on the whole story. Events like this transcend
political and national boundaries and bring us all closer together. 
Please pass on my condolences to all our colleagues in the Polish Branch
of IAML at this very sad time. You are all in our thoughts.
Best wishes
Roger Flury Secretary General International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML)
National Library of New Zealand

Temat: Our sympathies  

Od: Ruthann B. McTyre, President, Music Library Association

Do: IAML-L  

Along with our IAML-US colleagues, and on behalf of all members of the Music Library Association, I send our condolences to our Polish friends and colleagues as we mourn all those who lost their lives in the recent air disaster.

Our prayers and sympathies are with each of you.

Ruthann B. McTyre, Head
Rita Benton Music Library 

President, Music Library Association

University of Iowa


Temat: RILM's condolences and concern  
Od: Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie, Editor-in-Chief, RILM  
Do: Stanisław Hrabia  

Dear Stanisław,

I write to you on behalf of the entire staff here at the RILM International Center to let you know how very sorry we all are about the tragic flight crash that killed so many of Poland’s top leaders, including your president. Please accept our deepest sympathies, and know that all of us are thinking of you and stand with you in this difficult time. What a devastating loss. I cannot imagine what life must feel like there at the moment.

Please pass along our condolences and thoughts to all RILM colleagues there.
Take care, and be in touch when convenient.

Warmest wishes to you and all RILM colleagues, from all of us here in New York,

Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie
Editor-in-Chief, Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM)
Director, Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York

Temat: Condolences  
Od: Eglė Marčėnienė  
Do: Stanisław Hrabia  

Dear Stanislaw Hrabia,

please accept our deepest condolences to our Polish friends and colleagues. We mourn together with you, with all Poland and with all Lithuania.

Eglė e Marčėnienė, people of Music Department of National Library of Lithuania and Lithuanian IAML group


Temat: Condolences  
Od: Julianna Gócza  
Do: Stanisław Hrabia  
Dear Stanisław,
Dear Polish Friends,

Please allow me in this time of national crisis to express the feeling of great sympathy on behalf of Hungarian National Branch of IAML.
The traditional Polish Hungarian brothership allow us to take part in your deep national sorrow.

Julianna Gócza
President, IAML Hungary




aktualizacja: 31.01.2025